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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

You Don't Get An Opinion...

There some things in this life you don't get an opinion about. You may have your thoughts on the matter, but it's unlikely those concerned will be interested in them  Is that rude?  No, it's not.  Too many people think they get to have a say on matters that don't concern them & most likely, they don't comprehend.

There are things in this life I have  no real opinion about:

  • Whether or not to have an abortion
  • How to react to a violent sexual assault
  • Whether or not to kill in a war situation
I have ideas about these things, but not opinions.  I will never have an abortion, I'm male.  I, thankfully, have never been assaulted in that manner.  I've never been in a military situation such as that.  I can have my thoughts, but not opinions.  I have nothing to base those opinions on,  Even if I did, have a basis, it would merely be an extension of my own experiences & may not relate to any one else's situation.

There are things I've gone through that unless you have I have no use for your "opinion".  I know what it's like to:

  • Be diagnosed HIV +
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Be on disability
  • Be a child of chronic, violent alcoholics
  • Be an abandoned child
  • Be tossed from home to home
  • Have earned a useless Ph.D.
  • Live in a rural area
  • Be the odd 1
  • To be alone
I could go on, but I've made my point. If you haven't experienced these things, then I'm not really interested in your input.  If you want to know something about these things, then ask.  But, I can only tell you of my experiences. 

People get judged daily by others on matters those doing the judging will never comprehend.  Funny how many of those judges spout proverbs about not judging.   In the long run, unless asked, most people really don't care about your opinions.  So, why not just let them be?


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