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Monday, September 21, 2015

It's Alive...

Yay!  It looks like I have my net back & won't have to buy a new computer.   It took a while but I finally found an post about someone with similar connection issues as me.  I tried the solution & it worked.  I hate to say it, but the trick was very old-school.  I'm surprised it still worked on a newer machine.   I simply deleted the network adapters from my device manager profile & rebooted.  It took a while, but it finally came back & I have a working ethernet connection again.

This may not seem like it has much to do with my typical topic, but it does in a way.  I hit a problem & stressed out about it.  I wasn't able to do much until I processed the stress & frustration.  Then I managed to come up with a plan.  

There's an adage I try to follow.  Google it!  Most likely someone else has already had the same problem you're dealing with & may have found a solution or at least some ideas.  I committed myself to trying whatever I found.  I was already accepting the possibility of having to get a new computer.  I might as well try whatever I found.  It'd either work & save me $ or I'd still be buying a new system.  

If you're having a problem in your life.  1st, deal with the stress & whatever else your feeling.  Then you can make a plan.  Remember to Google it.  It's very possible someone else has already faced whatever it is you're going through.  Maybe you can get some pointers.  I've had to Google a ton of stuff over HIV & my health.  It doesn't always work, but it's helped a lot of the times.


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