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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Another One Gone...

No matter where I've lived, I've always attracted stray cats.    I can usually get them to trust me.  That hasn't been the case recently.  We've got the feral LBC (Little Black Cat), we call Hex, living on the porch.  I've talked about the LBC before.  There's been no change on that front.  I get watched through the windows, but that's as much interaction as Hex wants.

Without being able to handle them, there's a limit to what I can do for them.  I can't really deal with any medical issues unless they're so debilitated they can't move.    Then it's usually too late.  We have a couple of other cats frequenting the place.  They aren't here as often as Hex.

Until yesterday we had what we were calling Psycho-Cat or Angry Orange Cat.  He was fairly aggressive.  I only touched him once.   He didn't see me & his kitty self nearly had heart failure when I touched his back.   He'd watch me from a few feet away & that was the relationship I had with him.

That ended yesterday.  I'm not sure what happened.  I can only assume he got hit by a car.  Whatever it was, it didn't do a lot external damage.  I had to call the city to have his body removed.  If I could've handled him, I might have been able to help him more, but maybe not.

Being a stray sucks.  People think that only applies to animals, but  plenty of people are strays as well.  Most never really choose to be strays.  If they did, wherever they were, must have been pretty horrible, to make the life of a stray look preferable. 

If you can, do me a favor, be kind to strays.  No matter what the type.  A little kindness can go a long way.


PS.  May your next life be better Orange Cat & may you get a better name.

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