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Monday, March 30, 2015

Busy, Tired & Achy...

We went shopping earlier & everyone must have decided it was shopping day.  The place was packed.    My allergies are killing me & the shopping wore me out. Add to that, we had to stop & make copies for renewal for our assistance benefits.  Those had to be dropped off before we got anything else done.  The sooner you get them in, the sooner you get a reply.

My roomie had an appointment after shopping.  We were running late, so we decided to pic something up.  That wasn't a good idea.  The high school let out & everything we were near was filled with students on lunch.   Lucky us.

My net is being a pain.  I'm not sure why its so sluggish, but I've got some ideas.   I've got to go handle that & get some laundry started. I'll blog more tomorrow.  Hopefully, I'll feel better.


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