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Monday, March 2, 2015

Candy Cigarettes...

When I was little these things were every where, right along side bubblegum cigars.   They had a distinctive scent of a confection sugar stick doused with peppermint.  It was fairly strong & today I got a scent reminder.

My hands have been in bad shape all Winter long.  Nothing has worked.  I've gone through  a ton of lotion & accomplished nothing.  My roomie's Sister-In-Law told of her of some stuff she used.   It sounded familiar,  I had seen it as a kid.

It's called Bag Balm & was originally meant for use on cows' udders to soften them & keep them from cracking.  Some people list a ton of things they use it for.  I just hope it handles my hands.  It smells just like candy cigarettes.  


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