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Friday, March 13, 2015

Rainy Day & Crappy Articles...

Its been misting & raining pretty much non-stop since yesterday afternoon.   For now, its lowered the pollen levels.  As soon as it stops, they'll soar again.  

I'm looking out my window at a yard carpeted in purple & blue flowers.  The daffodils are blooming.  The various bulb flowers are sticking their little, green leaves up in the air.  The season has sprung.

I'm trying to focus on the yellow & white flowering bushes outside & instead of a stupid article I read.   Technically, the piece wasn't stupid, just the man it was about.  This man in India thought he was +.  His response was to gather his family into a car & drive.  When they stopped, he set them & the car on fire.  Somehow, his attempt to end his own life failed.

Turns out, he's not +.   Tell me there's no longer HIV stigma in the world.  Either, this man actually believed this was the better course for a family who's patriarch had contracted the virus.  Or, he  was simply a monster who wanted rid of his family.    

Regardless, they're dead & he lives.  When it comes to HIV, there are still massive levels of stupidity & stigma.   We're no where near ending this battle.  Even if it was cured today, people would still be stigmatized as someone who had been infected.  Don't believe me, check out the Ebola survivors in Africa who've been isolated & even cast out of their areas.  Why, because fear, stupidity & stigma. 

Sometimes people seriously just suck!


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