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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Open'em Up...

Yesterday we hit the 80's F.  It was nice.  It was also the 1st day we got to open the windows & air out the house.   I hate having the house closed up, but when its cold there's little choice.

Its another nice day.  It may storm later, but for now its very pleasant.  We took out the trash & it was the 1st time, it was chilly when we did it.  

Spring is here & soon the lawn will have to be mowed.  I wish it could just stay a thick carpet of clover, but it won't.  Soon, it'll look like a pasture if we don't cut it down.  Tall grass means more bugs, which brings more vermin, which is followed by snakes & other predators.  I have enough problems with the skunks & opossums wandering through at night already.  I'm not going to encourage them.

I hope the season s shaping up well for you.


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