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Tuesday, March 3, 2015


There are quite a few recent articles relating the origin of some types of HIV to gorillas.  In the past, researchers have tied the virus to monkeys & chimps.  Now, they feel they've covered the known strains of HIV.  

Does this matter?  Yes & no.  It matters to those who want to study the origin of disease.  It may prove important in finding a means to fight or cure the virus.

More importantly, it again proves the presence of zoonotic illnesses.  Those that can pass from animals to people.   These ailments can be of particular danger to us.    These can range from viruses, bacteria to parasites.  Take Lyme disease or rabies for example.

Its sort of poetic.  Man has been invading these animals' habitats for centuries,  They've been killing them off for food, sport & trophies.  Now these animals are giving their killers a bonus prize, HIV.  Can't say we didn't have it coming.

There's a ton of material on this matter if your interested, just Google it.


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