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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

OT & Errands...

I have some more errands. This is off topic but applicable.  While growing up, we get used to things & develop preferences.  Sometimes those change as you age, sometimes they don't.

I'm not quite as sold on the childhood theory that more ketchup & cheese can make anything better as I was when I was a kid.  I still like cheese & ketchup, but they're no longer my food saviors.   I used to love the idea of supreme pizzas, the everything potato chips or the works burgers.    Now, I usually prefer simpler, more straight forward fare.

However, I still prefer boxed macaroni & canned biscuits.  I'm sure there are  others but those are the 2 of mine that get challenged most often.  I don't like homemade mac & cheese or biscuits.  Which BTW, taste eerily similar.   Someone just slapped gloppy cheese on the elbow macaroni.  

I know a lot of people who prefer the homemade versions,   That's just freaking, awesome for them.  They can eat all of that stuff they want, just leave my canned biscuits & blue box of mac alone.   But, they don't.  They feel they're right & they have to push their opinions on us uneducated, uncultured slobs who prefer Kraft Mac & Cheese.

This is a stupid clash over taste & isn't worth your time.  I can be rather cattish sometimes.  Leave me alone & I'll leave your face on your head.   Sometimes other people seem to feel they have the right to tell you how to live, what to eat, who to date... Unless, its hurting you or someone else, just do it & to hell with the naysayers.  

These things aren't worth fighting over. If these people will be rude to you over something so small as mac & cheese, what are they going to be like over the big stuff?  Totally unbearable. 

This is my life.  I like the blue box of mac & Grands biscuits.  I am chronically ill & didn't ask for your opinion on the virtues of the  homemade  versions.  I have limited energy & I'm seriously low F'cks to give.  I simply refuse to spend either on someone who thinks they're better than me & their food snobbery.  The same goes for the rest of my life as well.    If you want me to listen to your opinions on my life, then start paying my bills.  If not, shut up.


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