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Monday, March 9, 2015

The Single Approach Problem...

Many people approach the challenges in an either-or fashion or that a single prong approach is best.    I doubt this has ever been the case.  Still, the thoughts lingers.

Keeping with an either-or approach leaves us with Democrats vs Republicans, Edison vs Tesla, Conservatives vs Liberals.   None of those have ever really accomplished all that was needed,  However, some people abhor moving towards the middle where the solution probably lies.

The single approach philosophy has also failed.  Like the idea, we need a single power option to replace oil.  Its like thinking, we need a single approach to cure HIV.   Neither statement is true.  At least not at this time.  

Researchers are studying & implementing a host of sustainable power generating options.  The same is true for scientist searching for a cure for HIV.  This article discusses 5 methods beyond testing & standard pharmaceutical regimens to deal with HIV.  

Some researchers no longer believe HIV can be defeated with a single approach.  The virus is too adaptive & well hidden.  The article talks about approaches that all have seemed promising on their own, but will probably fail without assistance from other techniques or applications.

The spread of HIV (or really any serious issue in this world) didn't happen in a bubble due to a single causal factor.  Why would it possibly be handled that way?  It won't.  Its time we realize that every facet of this fight must be given it's worth & respect.  That's from the very basics of spreading information & supplying condoms to medical regimens & insuring food supplies to applications of current cutting edge technology.  

Fighting HIV is a war.  A battle that can't be won with an approach similar to an ax wielding barbarian.  All the troops, weapons & strategies must implemented to win this once and for all.  There really is no other option.


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