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Tuesday, October 14, 2014


It was blowing hard all night.  I'm amazed limbs weren't littering the yard this morning.  It's still blowing & the net hasn't been that trustable lately.  This will be brief.

I'm feeling a bit better.  Hopefully, that will continue.  I still hate dreary Autumn weather & dark mornings.  The cats are driving me nuts.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, early. I'm not sure how long a post I'll do tomorrow.  Wednesdays always turn out busy for me.  The appointment is routine & I'll order blood work while I'm there.   I'll have the labs drawn towards the end of the month.  I need to get my flu shot soon.  

Past that, all seems to be going well for a bit.  Maybe that'll hold out for us.  That would be nice.


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