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Monday, October 27, 2014

Revving Up...

We're supposed to get a storm sometime today.    It feels like it.  It was windy all night & it's gotten more so this morning.   The weather should cool down a bit after this.  The 80's were nice, but the high humidity wasn't.  Maybe the rain will wash away some of the stickiness.

I'm not sure what has become of Clementine, the outdoor cat that got sick.   I haven't seen in a couple of days, but that's not uncommon.  He disappears for weeks some times.   He's never stayed put long enough for me to even try medicating him.  I can't bring him inside with my older cats.   Hopefully, if his end comes, it'll be quick.  He's a good cat, just not interested in being an indoor cat.

We have a new kitten outside,  He's been here since about August.  He's feral.   The momma cat was around a bit.  She'd only let me get near enough to pet her if I had food.  This little black bolt won't even do that.  I don't know it's male or female.  It'll watch me put food out from around the corner.  It's gotten to where it'll meow if it's hungry.  That's a step.  Usually, I only have to work a cat for a few days, at most a week, before I get them to come to me.  This guy is having none of it.

We went shopping.  The store was busy.  I'm glad we're back in now,  My head isn't feeling all that well.   I'm looking forward to the rain.  Hopefully, I'll breath better afterwards.


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