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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Planes, Trains & Automobiles...

Since, I found the article yesterday about possibly the earliest known existence of HIV, there has been a plethora of followups & reiterations.  Many focus on the why's.  Some point fingers at various groups; gays, Africans, European invaders, etc...

The reality seems to be a bit more objective than that.  The culprit behind the spread of HIV is the same 1 behind all illnesses, locomotion.  All virus, bacterium & other micro nasties need a means of transport in order to do their deed.    In the natural world this is usually via the air (sneezes/coughs), physical transmission (touch/bite) or water.  

However, as man developed, so did the means of locomotion of modern illnesses.  These ailments, like rats, caught a lift via man.  Instead of waiting for animals/man to migrate, they now had horseback travel, then watercraft & finally there was the development of the engine that allowed for trains & eventually cars.  The most modern illnesses' preferred mode of travel is jet of course.  

It wasn't gays, Africans or colonists that spread HIV, but instead it was engineers.  Those people who made it possible to rapidly move many people from location to location.  The technology used to spread mankind also spread illness.  The plane, train & automobile are the modern Typhoid Mary.  Sort of punches a hole in the who's to blame arguments.  


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