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Saturday, October 25, 2014


There have numerous news articles about people purposely exposing others to HIV.  Maybe the exact purpose wasn't to infect them.  The fact is, these people who knew they were + willingly engaged in unprotected sex.  That alone is intolerable & should be punishable.  However, in many cases the other party could've insisted upon using a condom.  

Yesterday, there were reports of a Texan who raped a girl & young child,  He was + & transmitted the virus to his victims.  They were targets of an assault,  They had no choice & now there already shattered lives are furthered injured by this virus.   This man does not deserve jail time, he deserves a rope.

I understand why people want to take laws that criminalize HIV or discriminate against + people off the books.  At the same time, these people should be prosecuted further than other rapists.   They transmitted an illness they knew they had.  HIV may not be a death sentence these days, but it's far from the living the life anyone had before they were diagnosed as +.

If you willingly & knowingly transmit HIV, HEP C or any other similar illness you should be put down.   Any person who would do that is nothing more than a rabid animal.  They are not only endangering the health of this other person, but the community at large. What if the victim for whatever reason doesn't go to the authorities.  They might not know they are + & could continue to spread the virus.

Knowingly transmitting HIV to another is heinous & should forfeit that person's right to life.


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