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Friday, October 17, 2014

Somewhat Better...

We went shopping this morning.  I'm doing some better.  I don't feel like I'm dragging everywhere.   I was at least able to get the groceries in, even though they felt like they weighed far more than they should have. 

I'm dealing a  lot with the changes in seasons & light levels.  I'm not sure if I have full out Seasonal Affective Disorder, but my mood definitely alters as the light lessens.   I've looked at articles regarding SAD.  So far I don't see any direct relationship between it & HIV.  However, HIV does reduce my ability to cope with a lot of things.  This would mean that HIV was simply making me more susceptible to the effects of lessened light levels that come with Fall.

Luckily it's brighter & warmer today.  I can get a chance to bounce back a bit.  I'll take it easy for the rest of the day.


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