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Wednesday, October 8, 2014


After running our errands yesterday, we grabbed a bite to eat.  More like a lot of bites, we hit a buffet.  We managed not to stuff ourselves, but we still paid for it later.   

I hate it when you eat some where 1 time & everything is fine.  Then the next time things don't go as well.  I had this happen with a Pad Thai place last year.   The 1st time was great, not so much on the following visit.  The same happened at the buffet & for the same reason.  MSG.

I don't know why it is that I don't always react to the stuff.  I know plenty of people say it does nothing contrary whatsoever.  There's even been studies saying MSG does nothing bad to you.  To that, I call BS!

I don't always react to it, but when I do it's always the same.   I usually notice the taste isn't quite there, not bad, just  a little off from what it should be.  Within half an hour of eating it, I start feeling tired, bloated & get an annoying headache.  

By the time we got home, I was exhausted & my head was pounding.   I took off my shows & my feet vibrated from being so swollen.  It took me the rest of the day not to feel like crap.   I still feel a bit off & bloated this morning.  

There are worse things a restaurant can do than serve bad food.  They can have crappy service, rude staff, be unclean & any of those will make me stop going to that place,  To me, the worse thing a restaurant can do, is to be inconsistent.   I don't know what to expect from this buffet now.  I do know that at best it's a crap shoot.

Hopefully, this will be over with today.


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