I've not felt all that well this weekend. Thanks to storms last night, I'm not faring any better this morning. On top of that, I had to go shopping in the wet.
I usually love thunderstorms during the rest of the year. But. I've never been a fan of them during the Fall. They mess with what precious little light I have & I get seriously sick of the dismals quick. I hate grey, overcast skies. They do nothing for my mood or how I feel physically.
We're back to that time of year when I have a hard time waking in the morning. No morning sun leaves me groggy & irritable. There's something about Autumn morning storms that tend to leave me with a headache.
Here's hoping this rain crap leaves soon. We don't need to give Suddenlink another reason to stop working for the 3rd time this week. A crappy company for a dismal weekend.
Hi – My name is Kacie, and I’m with Suddenlink. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing issues with your internet service. I’d be happy to help. Please feel free to email me directly at socialsupport-AT-suddenlink-DOT-com. Thank you, -Kacie