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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Still Off...

Suddenlink struck again last night for almost 5 hours we had no internet.  They did Friday & Sunday Night.  I guess I can look forward to this in another night or so.    

It's weird whenever I comment on here about that company within a day or 2, I get a comment from a Suddenlink rep.   They want me to private email or to message them on the matter.  I don't.  There's nothing they can do about it.  

The physical nature of their equipment (cables, boxes, towers)  in my area is ancient.   This area didn't get cable until the mid 80's & I think most of the infrastructure is still from then.  Suddenlink needs to completely overhaul everything they have here, but they never will.  They'll just keep making crappy patches that never hold for more than a couple of days.  I feel sorry for their field guys, they bear the blunt of people's frustration with this horrible company.

I'm still feeling out of it & the net going out only added to my stress.  Yesterday was trash day & I barely got my part to the curb.    I was just too exhausted.  I'm still low on energy.  

Most people worry about crisis.  I can usually handle crisis.  It happens, I freak out for a bit.  Then  I focus on the matter to come up with the best plan I can to handle it.  

For me, it'll be the straws that make me snap.  I get the camel analogy.  It's not the loud boom of the crisis that gets to me,  It's the constant needling & aggravation of ever growing mounds of little BS that will cause me to lose it.  

Some people say that if "A" happens they'll be happy.  That never works.  Things/events don't make you really happy, you do, but sometimes you just can't.

There are things that can make it harder to be in a place where you can let yourself be happy or at least less stressed.  Getting rid of clutter helps me.  Eliminating as many problems as possible does wonders.  Unfortunately, there are some problems/issues you can't get rid or, at least not easily &/or possibly legally/ethically.  

For example, right now I live in an old, problematic house, with crappy internet, weird power outages, noisy neighbors, shitty outdoor dogs & with aging, annoying cats.    At the point, when 1 or more more these change for the better, my life will improve & hopefully my stress levels will lower.  

Albeit, external things or happenings can't really make you happier.  The removal of some of the crap, can make it less anxiety ridden.  Less anxiety means less stress.    That gives your chances at happiness a big boost.  So, do your best to take the stressful trash out of your life.  I will,


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