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Friday, September 5, 2014


Today is the 1st Friday of my new year & of the month.  We've gotten most of the bills paid. It's going to be hot again today.  According to the forecasts, this is supposed to be our last venture into the upper 90's F for the year. 

I used to love Fall, but now, mainly for Halloween, it's not the same.  It's too hot.  I don't have any of the rituals I did when I was younger.  There is no back to school or anything new that comes with Autumn.  No, I go from my usually non-event birthday into holiday season which I still don't like, even though I'm doing better with it.

I've never been 1 to look at things the same way as others.   I'm not trying to put on airs or be all hipsterish.   It's just if you grew up the way I did, many things never had the same meaning as it did for others.   Holidays & special days were just another chance for my parents to spectacularly explode at me, themselves, the world, who knew what to expect?  Holidays weren't cheerful, they were  stressful.  

My roomie & I  have our own holiday rituals, but I know others would try to diminish them because they aren't like everyone else's.   Screw them.   My Winter holiday rituals are watching holiday cartoon specials & singing along with them.  I look for cheap candy after after the big day.  I do my best to avoid the big lines & well-wishers.   I also do my best not to Bah Humbug anyone else's choices.

Fortunately or not, there are a lot of people like me.  Those people who have to make up their own rituals, their own specials days.   If you're 1 of those people, have a great whatever it is you're celebrating & a very happy Unbirthday to you as well.  If you aren't 1 of us, making it up as you go by, if you can't join in our party, then just leave us the hell alone.  Have a great whatever this day is to you & may it bring you whatever it is you need.


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