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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Autumn Issues...

Autumn is virtually here, my body has accepted this for about a week now.  I'm not a fan of the onset of shorter days, actually I hate it.   I like it being light until almost 9 & having the sun risen when I get up.  I disdain getting up when it's still dark out.    Such as the time known as Autumn.  At least until the time change & we get our hour back, but that's not until early November.  

These changes have impact on me.  Besides the allergies I've talked about often, I get get anxious this time of year.  It's not about anything in particular.  I generally assume it's going to concern finances, but usually it's just some cloud of tension & worry over me.   It's something I face as the sun sets earlier & earlier.  

Past this, as this season progresses, my blood pressure worsens.  It notably rises from the lower Summer numbers.  I sleep odd this time of year.  It's a combination of too deeply & not enough.  I have a very hard time getting out of bed once Fall gets under way.  I have an even harder time getting fully awake.  

All these things, the mood, the allergies, the blood pressure, the sleep are all things people go through with the changes in seasons.  Some doctors downplay this matter, but IMO, they're wrong.  The change of seasons impacts everything in the world, why wouldn't it cause changes in our bodies as well?  The best advice I can give you on this is simply to be aware that its happening & try to adjust accordingly.

What's this got to do with HIV?  Everything, that's what.  HIV impacts your overall health & your overall health in turn impacts your HIV.   Talk about a vicious circle.   Being aware of & treating your HIV helps your total health.  Taking care of your other health concerns, improves your HIV treatment.   Its as direct as that.


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