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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Down South...

I've found 2 articles today citing how the new epicenter of HIV in the USA is in the southern states.  I guess for some of you that's news.  It's not surprising.  These are primarily good ole boy, conservative, religious pits of hell.  

This is a land where the mnetality concerning HIV go something like this.   No one talks about things like HIV.  No good person has HIV.  If someone is + then they probably deserve it.   No one should help these people, they should be shunned.

The southern US is a cultural pit.  Before all the screaming starts, I consider my neck of the woods in the South.  So, I'm including my own area.  

The first of these articles discusses the South as an epicenter of HIV.    The next article details the top 15 cities in the US for HIV rates.  Among the top 15 only 3 aren't in the South.  Most are in the far South.

This isn't big news for people in my area, at least not those already dealing with HIV.  It might be for other folks though.   New York & San Francisco are no longer the kings of HIV in the US.


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