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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bush Whacking Time...

It began yesterday & continues on today, possibly into tomorrow.  Its time to whack some bushes.  I'm not talking about some Facebook game either.  I'm referring to the act of rather aggressive pruning.  

The bushes in the yard get cut back once a year.   Most of them get it in the Fall.  My winter berry bushes get handled in the early Spring.   There are crepe myrtles & rose or sharon bushes.  Then on to the shaggy yellow flowering bush, the snowball bushes & the smelly lilac.

I'll be getting my exercise from this for a couple of days.   I wish it wasn't some humid.  All the rain has brought back the fire ants.  I've been poisoning them all morning, nasty things.  

I can't do too much at a time.  My energy levels just won't allow it.  Not to mention, I'd overheat & be done with for a few days.  Have to be smart when i'm trying to handle this level of exertion.


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