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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wrapping Up...

October is winding down.  Today is the last Sunday of this month.  It's been a fairly pleasant, if somewhat wet, month.  I could've done without the influx of fire ants, but who couldn't have?  

Halloween is just 4 days away & Daylight Saving Time ends in 1 week.  Thanksgiving is just a little over a month away & Christmas is less than 2.  

We're a full month into Fall & only 2 remain.  I wonder how cold & wet this Winter will be?  Hopefully not too bad.

It's hard to believe there's just a little over 2 months left in this year.  2013 has flown by.  Today marks 10 months without Alice Cat & this is the 2nd  month without Fluffy.  There's been enough loss & stress this year. I hope the last weeks bring us some peaceful times.  We could use it.


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