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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Waking Up...

The sunlight is shifting & my battle with waking up during the colder seasons has begun.  I don't use an alarm clock.  They don't work for me.  I get used to them & tune them out.  They'd wake the whole neighborhood before they'd wake me.  

I do wake up to changing light levels though.  Unfortunately, now my light is changing with the seasons & my mornings are beginning to drag.  I'll get used to it again, but I don't like it.

Draggy mornings give the rest of the day a similar forecast.  I'd like to wake up slowly.  I don't want to be jarred by an alarm or racket.  I want to slowly come to realize it's time to get up.  Morning should be a gradual realization, not a shocking reality.  This was a bit of a draggy morning, so I'm not as with it as I should be.   I'll write more tomorrow.


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