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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

After Mow...

I hope the mowing we had last night will be the last of the year.  We're normally done with this far earlier.  My head is not so thankful for the lawn care.   Mowing always sets off my allergies.  

The grass lowering revealed many more fire ant piles.  I hate those things.  Seriously, why won't they just die or move to Boca.  I've put out more bait for them.   I really hope this is the end of this type of yard work for the year.

I did a bit of winterizing & managed to find about 5 - 6' snake skin in the little rose bush.  It was probably a black snake using the thorns to exfoliate. The outdoor spigots are covered.  The air conditioners are covered.  Anything else can wait until it gets colder.  I still have to clean the stoves.  The ceiling fans need cleaned & reversed for the season.

Well trash is out, the yard is mowed & most of the chores are done.  Woohoo for us.  Maybe I can catch up some Netflix & TV.


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