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Friday, October 25, 2013

Revenge Of The Season...

I slept well, but not overly so last night.  I woke feeling fairly well, that began to fade shortly after.  My eyes are like a desert today.  I've put drops in them & nothing much is helping.  

We made a drive to Fort Smith to pick up some fire ant killer that actually works.  Luckily that went easily. Then we picked up some food & headed home.

My allergies have decided to play havoc on my gastrointestinal system.  Ever since we got back home, I've been gassy & crampy.  Finally, a bathroom trip led to a bout of diarrhea & nausea.  Oh yippy!  My allergies probably brought this on, but the car ride didn't help any.  But we needed the ant killer & now it's done.


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