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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Unwanted Gifts From The Rain...

Today is Take-Out-The-Trash Day.  Tada...  Anyway, during this process of taking the garbage to the curb,  I had to avoid the puddles on the drive & the mud patches in the yard.  On the way back in, I noticed something I thought I had dealt with already.  

The rain seems to have summoned up numerous fire ant mounds.  I hate those things.  I just treated for them less than a month ago.  Apparently, the rain gets them up & going.  There were a dozen of so fresh mounds.  The stuff I use to kill them is potent & effective, but it seriously stinks.  This round of treatment wiped my supply out.  So, I'll have to go get more.

That means going to Fort Smith.  I just looked for it at Walmart & they're out for the season.  I have go to Fort smith this week anyway, so I'll look for some when I'm there.  I need some more weedkiller as well.  

I am so not a fan of the bugs that live in my yard.  I hate the fire ants, fleas, red wasps, the huge roaches (we call them water bugs around here) & the stink bugs.  Then there are the slugs & black widows.  I do like our praying mantis, walking sticks, dragon flies & mud daubers (they eat spiders), the colorful garden spiders, lightning bugs & locusts (cicada). 

I just took out the trash &  treated the yard, so I'm a little beat.  


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