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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Again..

It's another Sunday & not much is going on for us.  I know for some people in my area this is a 3 day weekend, but that isn't going to affect us much, if any.  

The neighborhood is changing again.  The neighbors to the side & across the street are trying to sell their homes.  Not that I knew them, they were just owners of rental houses.  I wonder if the new owners will actually live here or just rent the places out?   There are more empty houses in the neighborhood.  Unfortunately, most the people living in the occupied houses aren't people you'd want for neighbors

This area is flux.  For the most part, it's been a downward spiral.  I'm not sure if there's any hope of seeing an upswing here.  It's nice to have noisy neighbors, but when the area gets to empty, it can get a little creepy.

This was probably a cute neighborhood in it's day.  I find it really sad when once nice areas go to seed & decline because no one wants to be there anymore.  At least no one that's gong to be invested in them.  Maybe after we're gone a storm will just blow all of this away.  That might be for the best.


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