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Monday, October 14, 2013

Things About Today...

  1. It's the 2nd Monday of October
  2. We went shopping
  3. It's drizzling
  4. It's chilling off again
  5. This weather is tiresome & dreary
  6. The cats are even narcoleptic than normal
  7. There's some good TV on tonight, Yeah!
  8. The rain stopped the neighbor's table saw for a brief moment
  9. We were expecting guy who mows our lawn
  10. Due to a sale, I have an abundance of potatoes

That's about how interesting my life is right now.  I'm not complaining.  All 10 of those things could be far worse than are or something downright nasty.

We got some unpleasant news today.  Some of our monthly $ will be cut by about $20 a month.  That wasn't fun, but it was expected.  They think the Social Security COLA for us will be about $10 a month.  After all the rearranging with the State & such that will probably be more like $5.  

Again things could be worse.  They could've cut us more than $20 & not be giving us a COLA at all.  I'm doing my best to stay on the bright side of things here.  That isn't an easy thing for me.

I hope everyone's week is off to a good start.


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