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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Seasonal Sleep...

As the weather cools down, I tend to sleep more soundly. For the most part this is a good thing.  However, there are some downsides.  When I sleep more sound, it tends to mean I wake up less & move less often in my sleep.  

That sounds like a good thing, but for me it isn't.  After a night of really deep, uninterrupted sleep, I usually wake up stiff & remain so for the rest of the day.  This often comes with an annoying headache.   For me a little waking up & moving from time to time is a good thing when I sleep.

Even stranger are the dreams that I experience as the world grows colder & darker.  They aren't nightmares or even really bad dreams.  They are anxious, fractious & stressful.  Like why are all of my bills not paid & I have no $?  Why is there an alligator on my front porch when I live in Oklahoma?  Why am I back in college & I've missed all my finals?  Why am I in a house I lived in as a child with people I know now?  

I'm a fairly aware dreamer.  I know these are dreams, but they're still weird & stressful.  I have them sometimes throughout the year, but they're worse during the Fall. I didn't do this as a kid or even a 20-something.  For a lot of my 30's & past, I've been +, so I don't know if my HIV is making this matter worse or if it's just age.  Possibly both.  Either way, these dreams are annoying.

I like my sleep, but I don't like waking up stiff or stressed out.  These things aren't good for me at all.  Hopefully, they'll disappear with Autumn leaves & be gone soon.


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