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Monday, October 28, 2013


The Ultimate Fight Club has teamed up with the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada in an HIV awareness program.  The article tells more.  What I'm most interested in, is the fact this is a sports organization recognizing this issue & wanting to take part in it.  

This isn't just them being involved with HIV awareness, this is directly with a LGBTQ organization.  This is a big step in the USA.   The group is stressing this is no longer a gay disease, but 1 spread by lack of education & information.  

They are promoting testing & respect.  Forrest Griffin is the spokesperson for this campaign.   He pointed out he was tested for HIV before each of fights in the UFC octagon.   If the fighters can have that much respect for their opponents, why can't everyone else for their sexual partners?

A good article.


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