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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I'm back from the eye doctor's & all seems to be going well.  He thinks I probably either irritated my eye somehow or had viral conjunctivitis.  Then I went & aggravated with that 1st prescription.  My caruncle is still somewhat swollen, but not as badly.  It's also not blood red like it was.  It's moving toward a more normal pinkish color.  My eyes are still a bit strained from dealing with all of this.   

As I get older, there are more & more things I'm reactive too.  I don't know if it's due to my age, my being + or just exposure to a new med.  It could be a combo of any of those things.  Regardless, it goes to show, you have to stay on top of your meds & be as aware as possible of how you're reacting to them.  

The eye doctor said this probably would've mended on it's own in the beginning, before the 1st meds.   I'm not upset I went to the doctor over this.  I'm not upset I was prescribed something I reacted badly to.  Going to the doctor over my eye was the right call.  Just the wrong doctor.  There was no way I could've known I was going to react to the 1st med.  Now, lessons have been learned & I can go on from here.  That's life.

Until next time,


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