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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Trying Not To Focus...


There's a lot of crap going on this year.  Very little, if any, was directly aimed at me.  Still, a lot of it is affecting me.  2023 has been a dud year at best & a crapfest at worst. 

I used to have a host of things that could distract me from stuff at least for a while.  Nowadays, most of those things have dried up or I'm burned out on them.   There've been so precious few new things to enjoy.  These artistic strikes aren't helping.  I get why they need to happen, but things would've been easier with new diversions.

I try to keep bouncing.  If I don't look at something too long, maybe I won't see how screwed up it actually is.  Right now, I can't even fix me, let alone anything else.

I keep shifting my focus.  Luckily, it's actually sunny this morning.  That helps a lot.  I know this song & dance thing I've got going on can't last.  But, maybe it might get me through til something better actually comes along.  It'd be nice, cause this is tiresome.

Take care.


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