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Thursday, August 10, 2023

New Path...


This article is a little disturbing.  After decades of research, scientists have found a new way HIV enters healthy cells.  The piece goes into more detail on that.  So, it's a little disheartening.  However, they're already working on the means to block this access.   It's in clinical stages at the moment, but looks promising.  

This is science.  It's not concrete, it's dynamic.  It changes & evolves.  For better or worse, it also shows where we were wrong, incomplete or no longer accurate.  That may seem contrary.  But without that knowledge we'd proceed in error.  We'd never be able to pivot, adjust & alter our approach.  The world isn't black & white.  It's a myriad of everchanging shades.   Research has to stay current to have a chance to keep up.


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