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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Last Line In The Month...


We're on the last line of dates in August 2023.   It's only supposed to get into the upper 80s or low 90s today.  That's hotter than we'd like, but it's over 10° lower than we've been.  If we can just lose some of the standing heat, it'd be great.   

My birthday is Friday.  We'll probably do something the day before.  Most places I'd like to go are can have difficult in & outs during high traffic.  It'll be easier on a Thursday.

I really hope it cools down a bit.  Even if it heats again some next week, at least it won't have all this built up to work off of.  We'll have some time to recover from this long week.  Unless I win like a billion dollars in the next few days or all the conservatives die, this will finish out as a pretty sucktastic year.  It'd take something gigantic to save it.

Take care.


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