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Friday, August 4, 2023

There's A Word For This...


So much of the last few years can be viewed the same.  From the behavior of politicians, the courts, idiots with guns, the police...  From the actions of companies like Netflix, movie makers or nations like Russia, there's words for this.  Alleged parent's groups want a stranglehold on everything.  Lately the weather has fallen into this category & my roomie likes a word for this, "Disrespectful."

That's the problem with almost everything these days, everything is disrespectful.  Politicians & courts screw the people.  Idiots with guns & the police revel in violence then whine when they're questioned.  Companies piss on us & tell us it's needed rain.  Anti abortion groups are willing to screw HIV funding to allegedly strike down abortion & trans.  Countries around the world only thrive on destruction.

At least those things could be helped.  Most likely, they won't be, but they could be.  The weather could've been helped a decade ago.  I'm not so sure now.  Enjoy the shitty, disrespectful world we made. 


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