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Monday, August 28, 2023

No More August Mondays...


This is the last Monday of the month & will be the last time we go shopping in August.  August crept by in a state of miserableness.   I keep trying to find things to like about this month, but that's really hard.  At least it's bright & cooler this morning.  It might not last, but it's here now.   

For better or worse, I spend a lot of time in just the "Now."  It's all I know & it could get better, but seldom does.  So, when it's at least pleasant, I try to take note.  I don't always succeed.  I'm irritated I'm leaving a year behind that I disdained so much & little, if any of it, was my doing. 

I've spent too much of my life riding waves of others whims, choices or derision.  If this is what life has to offer, most of us should never have gotten on the ride.  This is definitely not an an E-Ticket attraction.


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