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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Goodbye August, Goodbye Me...


This is the last day of August & me for this year.  This is my final day being 54.  This was not a horrible month, but it wasn't a good August.  August should be bright, blazing, dry.  It should be the door closing on Summer.  These days, Summer's here  through most of September.  Labor day used to be the closing of the season party.  Now it's more like a warning that last call's coming soon.  August failed at being Augustic.

For my last birthday, we went to a restaurant we  hadn't been to before.   The food was good, but the atmosphere was weird.  It had nothing to do with the place, it was the effect COVID was having on everything.

I knew we wouldn't go see a movie, but I figured by the holidays things would open enough for that & my roomie's birthday.  My hopes were misplaced.  I knew  COVID was serious,  But  I didn't count on the raging stupidity of the American herd beast.  By October the numbers were soaring.  It meant we did nothing for  my roomie's birthday.  But at least by December there was word of a vaccine.  We signed up in 2020.  We had both doses by April Fools.

Yet, fooled was what we were.  By mid Summer the numbers plummeted & life tried to settle back into a normalcy.  That didn't last long.  Between Summer events, anti-vaxxers, the Delta Strain & school openings, numbers  are soaring  again.

Last year's me was hopeful, not so much this year.   I've spent a  lot of this year angry, stressed, resentful & wishing harm on everyone.  For at least today, I'm trying not to.  I'm trying to focus on this last day I share with August.

My birthday wish is for COVID to come to an end, however that may have to happen.  Line them up & vaccinate them like cattle.  Line them up & shoot them like a firing squad.  Dump them in the deepest parts of the oceans for fish food.  Just bring COVID to and end & don't replace it with something as bad or worse.

Happy last  day to August & me.


PS - I get a telemedicine appointment for my Birthday, yay me.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Last August Shopping...

This almost the end of August & my year.  I'm not sure how I feel about of either.  Both were such a let down.  I hope this COVID craps ends soon.  I'm tired of being this angry at the world & those anti-vaxxers aren't falling fast enough.  Line everyone up with 2 options;  get the vaccine or get out.

This is going to be another period in my life where I have no good memories.  I'm just tired, stressed & furious.  I'm never that fond of most people.  Now,  I'm just hoping for an extinction level event.  At least then this would be over.

So far the 2020 somethings have sucked.


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Winded & Brief...


There's been a lot of smoke here.  It's not the west coast or anything, but enough to mess with me.  They've been burning junk & leaves.  They've been roasting chilis & having cookouts.  My nose just knows it's smoky.  

The lawn guy mowed last night.  I finally got to do some edgework & check for fire ants.  It'd been nearly a month.  It'd either been to hot or wet.  But it's  handled.

With that, I'm exhausted.   I'll catch my breath soon, but for now, I'm done.  Hopefully, I'll feel better after a shower.   At least it's done for now.

Take care.


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Last Sunday...


It's the last Sunday in August.  Next Wednesday, I'll be a year older.  Last year, I had a sedate  birthday dinner out & thought by next year this COVID crap will be handled.   I was wrong.

My birthday has always been a source of contention between myself & everything else.  The number  of good birthdays I've had aren't that many.  Quite often, I just let them slide by without any fanfare, because it  was easier on me.  Otherwise there would've been drama & disappointment.  I'm tired of both.  I'd  rather not have a birthday than have another crappy so-so thing I should be thankful for.  I'm grateful for  very little these days & most of what I am thankful for has to do with me & not others.  

With the Delta variant spreading, any possible birthday plans are a bust.  I seriously hope every purposely unvaccinated adult in the world gets this & dies by Winter.  That'd be an awesome birthday present.   Then maybe next year I could actually have a decent birthday.  F@#K! the world is my opinion at this time.  Most of you are too stupid to come out of the rain.   Let it all burn, I'm too exhausted & over it  to care.


Friday, August 27, 2021

PrEP Adherence...


This article is about recipients' adherence to PrEP meds once started.  During this 6+ year study over half the subjects discontinued usage at some point.  Many resumed at a later time.   The study was heavily skewed with 95% of the subjects reporting as male.  These were adults with a fairly standard racial break down for the U.S.  It was higher in regards to Asians & lower for those of African decent.

The study showed significant interruptions in usage for a variety of reasons;  access, cost, cultural, etc... The reasons do matter, but only as to how to overcome them.  The problem is, PrEP's efficacy is affected by how it's taken.  If not as prescribed, the protection offered will lessen.  It could lead to possible drug resistance in some strains of HIV.

Even with my own issues with PrEP, some of these are matters for social workers & counselors, not MD's. a doctor is there for patients'  medical needs, not to contend with the ills of the world.  People do need more assistance when it comes to medical matters.  But, IMO, that can't rest on the physician's.  The problem here isn't just the meds,  costs, accessibility or the cultural problems.  It's mostly the healthcare system of this nation's inability to meet the needs of its people.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Earlier Morning...


My roomie has a friend over this morning.  It's a little  earlier than I'm used to dealing with anything, especially people.  So, this will be brief.  I didn't see any interesting articles & I've ranted enough for now.  

Take care.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Next Trash Day...


Today is a regular trash day, next week isn't.    Next Wednesday morning I'll have a telemedicine  appointment.  Of course, it's also my birthday.  Kind of fitting it's on trash day.   I can take this dumpster fire of a year to the curb.  

i used to be nicer, that got burned out.  When you hit some of the upper birthdays, you ask yourself things.   Like, was  it worth  it?  The answer for me until the late 90s was, I think it mostly was.  But every year  after that, it's slipped into the no & hell no zone.  

I may have  helped some people & animals.  I may have had some fun & been a good diversion for some people.  But I got far too little out of it.  Who's responsible for where I'm at now?  I am.   But I didn't  set this stage.  Nor was I responsible for all the crap  & obstacles thrown my way by others.   I'm  not saying I'd had a great life.  But my life is just my attempt  to survive  the f'ery of others from the time before I was born.   That's not counting the crap that's been tossed my way by others.  Most of whom I don't even know personally.

Was my life worth it?  NO!  It wasn't & most of that was due to decisions made by adults concerning or affecting  my life since before I even existed.  I'll take blame for what I did, but I won't be held responsible for those bastards.  Even though their BS has mostly destroyed my life.  

My birthday wish isn't for sweet, niceties.  It isn't, I don't want anything this year.  It's for a lot of people to just die as quickly as possible.  I'm sick of their lame excuses for destroying everything; my life, the economy, this country's reputation, the world...  Here's my birthday wish in rhyme.

I wish I may I might,

Have this wish from candle burning bright.

Conservatives,  Anti-vaxxers  & tellers of the Trumpain lie,

Please, oh please just quickly, awfully torturously die!

As above, as  below; by earth, wind & sea,

So Mote It Be!

That's all for now.   I need  some black & red candles.    Take care.



Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Last Week...


It's the last week of August.  It's also the last week of me being this age.  I'm so f'ing pissed off.  Because of all the asshats that refuse to handle COVID  properly I'm having another fucked up year.   Thanks to COVID, there aren't any movies out I want to see.  Even if  there were, I don't know if it'd be worth it.  I don't  want to pick up food from a restaurant.  I'm tired of  takeout or eating in the damned car.  I understand  why we have to, but I hate it.  Once this crap is passed, so is my constantly f'ing eating takeout & or in the car. 

To all you assholes out there that refuse to do your part to end COVID,  thanks so damned much for  ruining a good chunk of my life.  Now if you'd just go & F'ing die, I'd really love it.   Thanks to you another year will be ruined, so just kill yourselves already.  Nobody will really care anyway.

I'm done for now, but this rant is far from over.  To  every anti-vaxxer, may you slide down a rusty razor into the filth pit of an afterlife you deserve.  For everyone else, take care & try to be safe.


Monday, August 23, 2021

Busy Friday...


It's  going to be  a busy morning for us.  We need to  go shopping & run some errands in town.  Then we'll head over to Fort Smith.  I still have to get a shower before we leave.  We'd like to be back before it gets too hot.  At least it's a bright morning.

More tomorrow.  Take care.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Another Vaccine Folly...


This piece tells another failure to vaccinate story.  This time it's about HPV.  The HPV vaccine has been out since the early 2000s.  It was touted to young girls 1st & then found to young males.  By the time, it was out, I was out of the suggested age range or I would've got it.  HPV is widely spread & can be lead to various ailments, including a host of  cancers.  This statement was made concerning the virus.

According to the study, among HIV-negative MSW, HIV-negative MSM, HIV-positive MSW and HIV-positive MSM, the prevalence of HPV16 was 1.8%, 8.7%, 13.7% and 28.5%, respectively, and the prevalence of anal high-risk (HR)-HPV was 6.9%, 26.9%, 41.2% and 74.3%, respectively.

If those numbers don't get your attention, nothing will.  We have been offered a lifeline.  Whether or not you take it is up to you.  Whether you infect someone  else with HPV is also up to you.  You are not powerless or innocent.  You musn't remain naive or ignorant.   Protect yourself.


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Just Another Muggy Morning...


I woke to a very muggy 80 degrees.  It wasn't pleasant.  I managed to walk the yard & check for fire ants.  My shoes are soaked from the dew.  I couldn't do edgework if I wanted.  The skies a dim glow from all the clouds.  This sucks.  

I need to get a shower.  A lot of good that'll do.  I'll be  wet for an hour after, because of all the humidity.  It's like you didn't even shower.  

That's it  for  now.  Take care.


Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Shopping...


We're heading towards the end of the month & my year.  I  still have no idea of what  I might want to do for my birthday.  It was hard enough figuring this before  2 years of pandemic hell.  I do know I still want everyone who refuses to get vaccinated to drop dead  for my birthday gift.  That'd be awesome.  Then maybe we could get past this crap.

We need to go shopping.   This is it for now. Take care.  


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Weather & Yard...


Normally, August is a beast for us.  The sun is blazing & temps are high.  It means the lawn will die down.  Not this year.  The  lawn was mowed the Monday before last.  I normally go & check the yard to see about bugs & edging.  I haven't this time.  Even on the days when it's been hot enough to have the AC on early, the humidity was too high.  I could see  droplets of water resting on the grass.   This would've diluted anything I put on it. 

I woke to a bright morning & thought I might  be  able to handle everything.  Nope, when I looked at the weather, I saw 40% & higher rain chances for the  day.   By the time  I had brushed  my teeth the skies had darkened.   I hope  it  rains.   This almost raining weather is being really rough on us.  This pattern looks to hold into next  week.   I might get to tend to  the yard after the next mow.   This August is a sucky failure.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Rainy Day Maybe...


August weather is still weird.   Even the hot days we had were cloudy.  That just trapped the humidity.  It's been off & on rainy since Sunday.  It might or might  not today.  I guess we'll see.  Right now, it's a muggy gloomfest.  So much for Summer 2021.  

A notable chunk of my early 50's were spent in a dark, vexing, pandemic crapzone.  At least half of Oklahoma could fall over dead & I wouldn't care. After living through the AIDS scare & COVID, I know 1 thing.  It  could be raining molten acid & these idiots would stay outside screaming obscenities.  They'd blame various groups.  All the while, dying from something they could've avoided.  Most people are selfish, idiotic narcissist.  They'd rather die than admit they were wrong.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Post Appointment...


My appointment went as well as expected.  My doctor was running as late as ever.  Nothing much happened, except for my quarterly check-in.  I wish they'd  take  this every 6 months.  Later, I had my labs drawn.   We also handled shopping.  

I thought things were going well, so of course the F'ery had to show itself.  I get a notice of disability review from Social Security.   Like, I wasn't dealing with enough already.  They just had to jump on the stress wagon as well.   I filled out the form & I'll send it back.  That's the extent of what I can do.  Now, I wait.  That sucks.

I have a telemedicine appointment in 2 weeks.   That's all for now.   Take care.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Busy Morning Appointments...


I've got at least 1 appointment this morning & if time allows, I may handle 2.  If not, I still have to go shopping later.  So, this morning is going to be a bit of a rush.  That's means no real post this time.  I'll try again tomorrow.

Take care.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Mid August Sunday...


A few things, it's mid august & the weather is  weird.  August should be hot & blazing.  Not this year.  It's overly warm, swampish & dreary.  This Summer's weather has sucked.  I'd take a dry 95  over a humid 87 any day.  Humidity is part of the Summer hell brigade.  It's partner ragweed, AKA devil weed, has arrived as well.

I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow, standard stuff.   After, if time permits, I may try to get my labs handled.   Then I'll have  to  go shopping.   Tomorrow morning isn't going to be fun.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, August 14, 2021



We're about halfway through August.   Most schools are back in session.  This is 2 crappy Summers in a  row.   I hate everyone who has helped this COVID crap continue because of them being stupid, raging asshats.  

My birthday is in 2 weeks.  What I'd like for a present is for those people to die & this to be over.  It's was 2019 since most of us could really relax.  This has been exhausting.  It's been taxing enough already, without all the violent idiocy.

I have no idea what I'll do for my birthday.  I'd love to go out.  But there's little to do & even less that's probably safe.  We still never got do anything for my roomie's birthday last year.  

That's it for now, take care.  I'll try to get off this death wishing, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


Friday, August 13, 2021

PrEP Issues....


This article deals with concerns about Cabotegravir.   It was approved as an injection given every month or 2 months as PrEP.  According to the piece, the efficacy of the medicine is high, but not 100%.  During the study there was a little over 1% infection.  They aren't clear as  to what happened yet.   The researchers still fear the development of drug resistance with this med.  Not a nightmare, but I'd think this would require more study, before moving  forward.   Nothing is foolproof. 


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Condom Use Down, STI's Up...


Since U=U & PrEP, some people sounded the alarm for other STIs.  Many of which are becoming more  drug-resistant.  Advocates of U=U & PrEP called  this misinformed, fear mongering.  This article from AIDSMAP, would differ.   It states while anal sex without condoms is up, HIV rates are lower due to these 2 approaches.  However, it also shows a rise in syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.  The only thing that stops the transmission of these illnesses is condom usage.  But some just can't be bothered to use a condom.  They won't die from HIV, just some random, drug-resistant STI.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Another HIV+ COVID Vaccine Finding...


I've posted on this matter.  How are HIV+ people reacting to the COVID vaccine?   There's been a lot of  wiggling.  This piece is about a study conducted by Johns Hopkins.  It finds the antibody reaction levels were similar in both populations, HIV+ & those not.   From the evidence, unless there's serious counter, it seems HIV+ people are responding well to the vaccine.  Get vaccinated.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

You're Sorry, Right...


Recently rapper, Dababy, said some foul things at his concert.  He let the world know his opinion on Gays & HIV+ people.  After having his ass handed to him by the public, peers & collaborators, he "apologized."  He went on his version of an apology tour.  

I hate the concept of apology tours.  You did own, own it.  If you don't want to own it, don't do it.  If you screwed up, admit it & move on. Dababy's  actions  weren't a mistake, they were a misjudged attack with more severe consequences than he expected.

He was dropped from a lot future engagements.  His apologies evaporated.  I wish people would accept  there are a lot of artists out there who hate Gay people & those HIV+.  They think they can have a public  meltdown or attack & then makeup for with an "apology" on social media.  This man meant what he said.  Or at least  thought it would resonate with his audience.  Think about that.  That's  the kind of artist some of you are supporting.  I don't think he should  be cancelled.  But, I wouldn't support him or pay to  see him.  Vote with you wallet not the mob.

Apologies are easy for people like this.  Controlling themselves & being accountable are the hard things.  Never trust a simple "I'm sorry," after a heinous act.  That's how abusive relations start.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Hot Week...


It's supposed to be hot this week.  OK, it's August, so that's expected.  What isn't expected, is how cloudy it's been.  The clouds won't leave & they're trapping in the humidity.  Very little Summer sun is shining through, it's just an annoying glow.  I had hoped for  more than this, but I won't be getting it.  What's new?

We have to go shopping & I need to shower.  So, that's all for now.  Take care.


Sunday, August 8, 2021

HIV Who...


For too long Americans have held the attitude HIV is a Gay thing.  Although in the States, HIV may be more commonly spread via male on male sexacts, that doesn't make it Gay.  Many of those men do not consider themselves gay.  Many are trans, bi or opportunists.   This is also leaves out the the IV drug use.

This may be true in the US, but not elsewhere.   African numbers are usually higher with women.  The last stats I saw, stated 80% of new cases in the area were with female.  In Africa, HIV is a very hetero thing.  

What it actually notes is the spread of the virus from the dominant culture to a less powered section of the population.   It's highly likely HIV was originally spread by travelling men who were sexually active & opportunistic.  Little of this matters now.   The focus should be awareness, prevention & treatment.


Saturday, August 7, 2021

1st Week Of August...


The beginning of August is a wrap.  We've handled the house bills.  The few remaining will get paid as they arrive.  It's going to get hot again & stay through the week.   It is August, even if it doesn't look like it. 

We don't have to handle anything this weekend.   So no plans at the moment.  That's it for now, take  care.


Friday, August 6, 2021

Boosters & Anger...


So far, August is being to be a drearfest.  It's gotten hot, but stayed overcast.  That means loads of  humidity.   If the clouds don't leave, neither will the moisture.  This Summer is sucking.

To make matters worse, thanks to the anti-vaxxers, COVID  has mutated so much & is so prevalent, a booster shot will be necessary.    Pfizer  said  this a  month ago, Moderna made a statement yesterday.  Protocols are expected to be released in September.  It'll probably be October for us.  I hope the booster doesn't hit me as hard as the last injection.  

I hate anti-vaxxers & only wish a quick demise on them.  Rant's over, take care.


Thursday, August 5, 2021



Means of handling COVID have been around for long time now.  Vaccines have been available for months.   The move to vaccinate started strong then fizzled.  Some people can't be vaccinated yet or at all due to medical issues.  Actual reasons like they've had serious reactions to vaccines in the past, not because  of some ideology or fairy tale.  Parents of children under 12 are having to wait for trials to finish.  It could be Fall or Midwinter before those children can be vaccinated.

Until then, all those people who CAN'T be vaccinated are depending on others to do their part.  Get vaccinated, wear masks & be safe.  If you can't do that, then stay away from people.  Let's be clear.  If you refuse to be vaccinated or follow protocols & you spread the illness, it's your fault.  If some gets infected from it, you did that.  If someone dies from that infection, you killed them.  It's that simple.  Stop whining & be responsible. 

Take care.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Yay or Nay...


Short piece this morning.   My roomie has people coming over in a bit & we need  to get around.  For  a  while now, there's been debate concerning HIV, COVID & later on the response to the COVID vaccine for those   HIV+.    The current  theory has wobbled from HIV+ are more susceptible & less reactive to the vaccine to  the opposite.    

This piece at says fully vaccinated HIV+ people with either Pfizer or Moderna should have a good immune response.  For now, the info is leaning towards HIV+ are safer.    That may change next week with the next article.

That's it for now, take care.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August Bills...


The 1st of the month is here, so it's bill time.   We'll head out in a bit.  We have a couple of other errands & that'll be about it for today. My roomie will have guests tomorrow.  I have to get labs handled this month for an telemedicine appointment in September.  I have a primary care appointment on the 16th.  That's about all I have planned so far.

August is here & so far it's just so-so.  Take care.


Monday, August 2, 2021

Lacking Summer...


September is still hot here, but August is really the last full month of Summer.   This season has been a dud.  Yes, it's gotten hot, but the bright part was utterly lacking.  I doubt you could fill 2 full weeks with bright, sunny days from this Summer.  

I needed this season to be a lot better.   Nothing new there, I needed something & it didn't happen.  No matter how hard I try just to recuperate & get myself ready, everything else makes demands.  I'm really sick of it.  

I'm probably not going to be any fun this Winter.  I won't be up for crap breaking, stupid people dying from stupid crap, never ending griping, none of it.    All that can go elsewhere, I'm done.  Assholes who refuse to be vaccinated can just die.  Things can get  fixed by someone else.  I'm not here to be the focus  of everything else's negativity.  Take it somewhere else.  I can't anymore.


PS  - F'off 2021,  I doubt you'll turn out any better than the last 2 years.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Biannual Pill...


This article is about Gilead's Lenacapavir.   This medication is up for use as a PrEP option & treatment for those facing multidrug resistance.  It is an HIV capsid inhibitor.  Capsid inhibitors affect enzymes & proteins viruses need to replicate.  The novel thing about this drug  is that it's biannual.  A shot  given only twice a year has a  lot  of perks, especially for those who have difficulty with pills.  

This sounds amazing.  It's a new medication with a  newer approach.   That's awesome.  However, this is also a bit worrisome.  What if it fails?   It could mean a several months people weren't protected from HIV or treating their virus.  6 months is long time between intervals.  Maybe I'm overly concerned.  But, this will be the 1st medication of its kind, I think an abundance of concern is warranted.

That's all for now,  take care.
