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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

WTF & Out...

There are articles out about a sperm-bank in New Zealand.  I won't support the validity of this concept with a link.  IMO, it's dangerous.  The bank will accept sperm from HIV+ men.  It's touting undetectable equals untransmittable.  They will test to insure donors are undetectable.

I wouldn't trust this.  They have no idea of the long term health effects.  Several pieces have talked about children born to HIV+ mothers on regimens.   The children didn't contract the virus, however it wasn't all clear.  These children are at a greater risk for obesity, asthma & cognitive issues.  It hasn't been possible for HIV+ women to birth HIV- babies for long, who knows what else will show.  Why would anyone think HIV+ sperm, even if undetectable, would be without risks?  

OK, that mini-rant is over.  I have to be out of here shortly.  My roomie's in Fort Smith.  We'll spend some time with a friend & then head back.   Tomorrow, I'll cook for us. 

That's all, take care & if be safe this holiday.


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