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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Icky Friday...

I went to the pharmacy for a prescription.  While there, I got my flu shot.  Normally, these things are just get the shot & it's over for me.  However, this time there were issues.  Within in a few hours, I felt like I had the most minor case of the flu you could contract.  It wasn't pleasant.  There were aches, chills, a slight fever, nausea & diarrhea. 

I feel better this morning, but that wasn't fun at all.  I'd also like to mention again how nice it is to get my meds at an actual physical location instead of having them shipped.  So far, I've had no major drama with this set up.  I hope it stays that way.  I don't miss CVS Speciality at all. 

Take care.


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