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Wednesday, November 13, 2019


There were articles this morning.  Every time I'd clicked, the link, the site said the piece couldn't be found.  I have no idea if any them were good.  It's annoying when hosts lose pieces or have broken links.  

1 topic was the overly idealist idea of eradicating HIV by 2030.  I agree with the idea.  It's not likely HIV will ever be eradicated due to the refusal of the world to be consistent.  HIV is a virus that will have to be handled everywhere simultaneously or it will pop up somewhere else, like whack-a-mole.  I don't see any universal push coming with today's politics.

I have to go to Fort Smith.  I need to get around & take out trash.  It's still frigid.  It was in the low 20s earlier.  We're supposed to get above freezing by 11.  We allegedly broke freezing yesterday, I'm not sure about though.    It'll be cold for several more days & then back to more seasonal  temps.

Take care.


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