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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Simple Piece & Plans...

This piece is simple & not very informative.  It's about the 1st time a clinician had to inform a patient they were HIV+.  It somewhat covered prevention & how many people still haven't been tested.  It wasn't groundbreaking, but it was important because it was the start of a conversation.  

We don't talk about HIV much anymore.  We make commercials & stand on soap boxes. But actual conversations have been lacking.  Talking & education will raise awareness & help in the fight against HIV as many as medication.   Why is that so hard to understand?

So far, we have nothing to do today.  Tomorrow is trash.  Thursday morning, I'll go to my dentist to finish this crown.   Friday will be shopping.   Next week will be Thanksgiving.

That's all for now, take care.


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