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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

They Don't Know...

I've blogged a lot about HIV awareness & education.  Still, society has moved more towards pure prevention, mostly via treatment.  Maybe those people should read this article.  According to this piece, Gen Z & later millennials have a much lower understanding of the virus than previous generations.  

28% avoid hugging, talking to or being friends with a HIV+ person
30% prefer not to interact socially with someone HIV+
41% Gen Z people said were not well informed about HIV, which differs from the 23% of the older millennials 
67% were most concerned about HIV compared to other STIs,  54% said they don’t use condoms or PrEP 
75% millennials & 60% Gen Z people overall living with HIV contracted via sex without condoms or PrEP
The rest of the article goes on about how some are trying to counter these stats.  It details the writer's frustrations.  30+ years of HIV & this is where we're at.  Yes, that's frustrating.  HIV will only be beaten by information & awareness.  No amount of medicine alone will solve this problem.


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