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Monday, December 24, 2018


This doesn't have much to due with HIV, but it's important.  People judge those who decorate for the holidays, especially the poor.  Sure, some people go overboard, some are  tacky, some may even be a little depressing, but that's OK.   Those twinkling lights & plastic reindeer are more than they seem.  Those decorations light up the night & give some of us a brief moment  of happiness.  A reason to smile for nothing more than seeing something joyful.  I'm very thankful for all those people who decorate, it makes the holidays a little easier.

People really go after the poor for decorating.  But maybe, all those poor people wanted was to show that they were still there.  Those decorations allowed them some sense of still belonging & being part of something that included everyone else.  Maybe those colored lights are the only way they make it through the holidays.  My roomie & I only minimally decorate, but we still love looking at what little we do. So, sit back & enjoy the decor or walk on by.   But, please stop trying to ruin what little joy & belonging some people have. 

Today is my roomie's birthday.    Later, she'll to her family's to celebrate Christmas Eve.  I hope it all goes well.

I've done well this year with the holidays.   But, I'm ready for them to be over.   I think I'm nearing the end of my tolerance for all things holidayish.  The nostalgia gets to be a little much after a while.  I haven't really listened to Christmas songs this year.  Not even the novelty types I usually enjoy.  

So have a wonderful holiday season & be kind.


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