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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Next To Last Wednesday...

By Christmas we'll be counting single days of the week left in the year.   Soon, we'll be in the final 10 days.  2018 has rushed by & was a weird year.  

My meds didn't arrive yesterday.  This time, it was UPS instead of my pharmacy.  They're supposed to arrive today.   Thanks for the delay.  

Our neighbor, sold her house.  It's bittersweet.  She annoyed us with her constant mowing &  leaf blowing/burning.  But she was seemingly stable.   Now, the dice have been rolled & we have no idea of what kind of neighbors we'll have next.  Hopefully, not too loud or problematic.  Only 1 lady remains on the block who's lived here as long or longer than my roomie.  She's in her 80's.  If she passed, we'll be the old people on the block.  Not a title I want.  It'll be weird to be here longer than anyone else.  This isn't a survivor I wanted to play.


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