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Friday, December 28, 2018


When we moved here, half the block was empty.   It was dark & a little strange.  Like someplace zombies would attack in movies, desolate & abandoned.  Slowly people moved in & we got used to them.  There's been a few people who lived in the house north of us.  Most didn't stay long.  But the last owner was there for quite a while.  

When they moved in they had the habit of leaving their outside lights on at night.  The yard stayed lit up & it shone through my windows.  I had a nightlight.   Yesterday was their final day & last night the house was dark.  There was no light outside my windows.  It was odd.  I'll get used to it again.  But for now, it's weird & a reminder no one lives there at the moment.  

The new owners should be here soon.  I hope they're decent neighbors.   We'll see.  I wonder if they'll leave the lights on or if it will stay dark outside my windows at night.


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