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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Lotta Rain...

From dusk yesterday to this morning, we've had between 2.5 - 3"+ of rain.   Flood warnings are out again.  The river was already up.  No back roads for us, for a bit.  Glad we didn't have anything planned for today.    

The birds are checking out the ground to see what tasty things came up for them.  My neighbor is finishing her packing.  Soon she'll be gone & the new people will be here.  Here's hoping they're good neighbors.

Endings, even those that need to happen, can get to me.  My neighbor was unnerving, but I was used to her.   2018 is leaving, but it wasn't a horrible year for me.  I have what may be my last doctor's appointment with my primary care this month.  Unless, he's figured something out with issues on his end, I won't have any choice, but to go elsewhere.  It may be for the best.  But, as often as I've had to, I still hate burning bridges.  Once done, there's no going back.

Here's to 2018, even if I'm getting a little skittish about it going away.  Still, it's nearly closing time.


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