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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Let The Censorship Begin...

Tumblr has announced by December 17th, they will ban all adult content.  They want rid of porn & are blaming kiddie porn as the cause.   The problem is, they just did a big kill-off of pron & got a lot of non-porn sites.  They got sites about art, health, fashion, athletic, etc...  A lot of cosplayers post there.  Anything their little bots or some prude is offended by will be banned.  

This type of action never works.  Many of these people will just move on to other platforms, such as Twitter.  Possibly something new.  Tumblr, really isn't much without everything they'll be killing off.  People are referring to the company's action as slow suicide.  A lot of sites have already shut down voluntarily.  Some non-porn sites are leaving, because they don't want to be a platform that censors.

What Tumblr is doing will only restrict communication of those not comfortable enough to be in the mainstream places.  It won't stop porn.   It won't stop kiddie-porn.  But, it might very well kill their company.    Oh well, nice knowing you, even if you did turn out to be a misguided lazy coward of a company.


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