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Friday, December 7, 2018

Collective Suggestion...

Something happened in the articles this morning that I've seen before.  There's a shared topic area with little development.  I saw several articles over eliminating the latent HIV reservoir in the human body.   

Great! That needs to happen in order to fully cure HIV.  The  problem is this has been a point of conversation for a while.  There have been numerous approaches developed.  This morning's selection of articles all detailed how this should happen without actually mentioning anything specific beyond what had already been discussed.  They rehashed without adding anything knew but wanted to sound knowledgeable & immediate.  When they offered virtually nothing new.

This happens a lot in news.  With a host of topics.  They'll all talk about something important without saying something.  That's not reporting or doing research.  It's just gabbing.  Don't waste our time with old, data.  It's already been published.


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