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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Sun Peeking...

The sun is peeking out past the clouds & it's not raining.  That may return mid-week, but for now it's done.   We got over 2" in 2 days & there's local flooding.  Not bad, but the river is up.  

Not much in the way of articles, but it's the holidays.  I'm still contending with seasonal sinus issues, including nosebleeds.    Heaters give me issues, but you need them to stay warm.  

I hope this last month of 2018 is going well for you.  Just 16 days left. So far, this isn't a year I have to make peace with & that's nice.  I know that's not the case for some.  I hope you can leave what baggage you can in the passing year.


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